Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Global Warming?

Okay, I admit it, our area is warming. During the past ten years northern Wisconsin has been in drought. Our lake level has gone down every year but one. Here in Vilas Conty, on the state's northern border, we still shovel a lot of snow, but the nights we experience wind chills of 45 have diminished.

This year our lake did not freeze over until the end of November, then we had a four day thaw. So here we are on December 4, when ice fishing season normally starts in full swing, with open water.

Its not all bad...for us. The ice fishing season this year will be short, but the total number of gorgeous days, ideal for outdoor activity in our beautiful north woods, is growing. When my daughters visit us in the summer they not only enjoy all that is here, but they also escape the suffocating mid-summer heat of Kansas City which can average more than 100 degrees.

Boomers looking to retire might well conside our area, especially while real estate is value priced. Expect to pay a serious premium for waterfront property. If you can, it's worth it.

I strongly encourage all Democrats to live your green agenda immediately. Buy a Chevy Volt. Turn down your thermostats. Send any money your guilt ridden conscience compells you to the United Nations. I would think that 52% of the populace making these and many more sacrifices would be a good test and a great first steps. If our lake levels then rise and temperatures drop, over the next ten or so years, we'll get the message and join you. But we will still need our gas guzzling SUV. The Volt won't cut it in the land of cold, snow and ice, and certainly won't tow the boat.

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