Saturday, November 17, 2012

Critter Cam

Our back yard is host to a great variety of wildlife. Most frequent sightings include deer, chipmunks, squirrels, and raccoons. Flying squirrels pay nocturnal visits. Bears are very rare. In fact, only one has ambled though in the past ten years. We are frequented by many types of birds...chickadees, finches, black birds, crows, and blue jays. At intervals we see wild canaries, hawks and eagles. 

We refresh the deer feeder with shelled corn daily year around. Fall through spring we keep our bird feeder filled with sunflower seeds. Late spring to late fall we scatter shelled or cracked corn in the lake shallows for ducks. However, we curtail duck feeding in September to encourage normal migration, and we stop filling the bird feeder during the summer months when squirrels and raccoons become overy aggressive.

Peak feeding time is twilight when a steady stream of critters come through the yard.

Recently, we purchased a Bushnell trail camera to capture the activity after dark. It works very well, snapping hundreds of photos of everything that moves. It is fun wondering just what might show up. So far we have seen bucks like the one above that are hesitant to show themselves in daylight. The streaks in the foreground are snowflakes in slow motion.

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