Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Love Shack has a Rough Night

I discovered last night why our canvas ice fish hut is portable and no one leaves them out over night.

Since my knee is in need of replacement, I decided to leave our portable ice fishing shelter. the Love Shack, out for a few weeks instead of trying to pull it up the steep rise behind our house. After three weeks of sitting there looking good and cozy, an Alberta Clipper came through and rolled it end over end, scattering the seats, scoops and hand axe into deep drifts. I rescued the shelter and pulled it to the bank.

There is a serious flaw with design of this hut. Folded down to escape the wind, the plastic base will fill with snow. Folded up, the canvas is sure to catch the wind and blow down.  I see an opportunity to improve this design and sell an improved weather safe, drift -proof hut. Anyone? I'll take 10%.

My wife of 44 years tolerates my silly joke about the Love Shack. Huddled inside in three layers of cloths around a propane heater, plucking tiny fish from ice water, we are not likely to have a Cialis moment.

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