Thursday, April 18, 2013

Enough Already!

It's April 18, 2013. Last year at this time the dock was in. The boat was out of storage. The snow and ice was long gone. This year, it's still snowing and the ice on our small lake is still close to three feet thick. Our ten day forecast does not have temps rising above the mid forties. It all likelihood, there will still be ice on the lakes come May 4.

Migrating birds are arriving but have little open water. Animals are coming out of hibernation, but struggling to find food. Our bird and deer feeders are overrun with critters.

Sadly, one critter, my guess a rabbit, decided the cedar beards of my garage would do for dinner. I found extensive damage to the bottom of the warm, wet boards on the south face.  Hopefully deer stink spray will discourage further gnawing until repairs are made later this spring.

People up north are suffering severe cabin fever. Few are willing to debate global warming.